@ameliachantalle (:

Tuesday, February 10

hey you!

Hellow Readers! (if i have any left)

I know, i KNOW!

its been a super dupeeerrr loooonggggggggggg time since I've last updated.

hopefully my efforts to not have such "cha-pa-lang" English has paid off.

first and foremostly I'd like to thank all blood donors who've donated to the cause of

my dad Ho Hock Mun. (:

Thank you, for your blood donations and moral support.

its times that are hard that show you true friends and,

well; so far? Many have proven themselves worthy to be called so.

I've been in SJMC for the past week++.

Since sunday to be exact. Feb 1st! LOL

goood goooossshhhh.

well actually i got grounded a lil.

due to late YC *YumCha* sessions.

bt since mummy was staying with dad. i sneaked out (:

naturally me la kan. :P to those who know me, you know what i'm talking 'bout!

YC's with Del, Aris, Tim, Xian (:


thanks for killing my utter boredom.

which resulted in me KO-ing in the hospital alot.

On another note,

i've been really on edge lately.

losing my temper,

throwing tantrums.

AAAAHHHH, i feel like such a child!


am i that immature.

i'm sorry mom and dad.

i know i'm probably one of the most difficult kids to raise.

so on edge that listening to Katy Perry's - thinking of you 

the oth day made me cry.

honestly, i dont even know why i cried

i just felt so useless and like i was such a waste.


i'm strong and i know i'm not stupid.

so i really should pull out of this manic behavior, NO??!

gaaah, frustration at oneself is the worst!



headed to OU today,

was supposed to watch Valkyrie!

bt, someone mixed up somethings and 

turns out,



gaah, tim!


i finally yes, FINALLY

got to watch bride wars (:


made xian watch it twice ):

sorry babe.

tim and i belum tengok marrr.

so a pact was made,

in the real world i mean.

now Xian is my maid of honour.

and i'm hers!

she said she's only 1 of mine.

cuz i'm gonna be a difficult bride to jaga.

hahaha, if i ever do get married?

i can't see the future in those ways.

i'm slightly physcic but,

it comes and shows wtv it wants, whenever it wants ):

well, if i ever do get married.

i don't care much for the big fancy things.

what i want is a ROMANTIC and UNFORGETTABLE day.

not just for me aye!

for my friends, family and honoured guest (:

small and warm is sweet.

who needs all those non-close people around?!

its a day between 2 people 

and thats muchly all that matters.

however! if i do marry,

it has to be in church.

so on that my dear groom has to compromise :P

i'm catholic after all.

and my religion is important to me (:


i'm heading back to teach Sunday School!

this sunday is my first class of this year.

I miss the kids (:


i really do miss you guys!


Valentine's is much OVERRATED!

but i've got plans anyways.Valkyrie is still on

and details of who, where and what and why?!

it'll all be revealed later!





i like the suspence (:

and thank you for tuning in (:

had my mum taj nan! 

xoxo dah-lings.

yaya, i'm being bitchy.

cannot izzit?! *chi koh pekkk*

aaah, new Zara top!

and Kitshen!? i love youuuu


♥☼♫Miss amelia♥♫™

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